
In Memory of Haji Abul Hossain


Very few men have a profound and lasting effect on the world. Without the shadow of a doubt, Haji Abul Hossain is one of the rare few. He was a famous businessman, philanthropist, entrepreneur, prolific social worker in Tangail District and was born in Dighulia,Tangail, Bangladesh on 30 November 1940. He took Part in the 1971 liberation war effort.

The glorious, influential life of Tangail’s one greatest figure ended 10th September, 1996 He was just 56 years old in 1996.Being of insufficient financial support from family, he didn't receive much of an education. He started some business. He knew what poverty is. What is a struggle? Hard work, honesty, dedication, courage and patience are the golden rules by which He lived his life and manage his works.
He succeed, Of course, success in business is only a single part of a successful life. Haji Abul Hossain certainly recognizes this fact. That is why he has shown such enormous generosity in his efforts to fight poverty and to support human rights as well as other worthwhile causes. He dedicated himself to the service of the suffering humanity and his long chequered life for advancement of the backward community in Tangail.

Awards & Honors

In appreciation of his humanitarian work the Tangail People conferred on Haji Abul Hossain ,the title of “Danobir”.In 1396(Bengali Year) He was posthumously awarded the “Gyan Taposh Dr.Muhammad Shohidullah Gold Medal “by the Bangladesh Shilpo Kristy Sangsad as a recognition of his works. This review of his achievements and generosity can only lead to the conclusion that Haji Abul Hossain was truly born for greatness.

About Institute

"KUSHTIA INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY" is also known by its acronym KIST. It is the first Private Polytechnic in Kushtia. This institute establish in the year of 2010.

The Institute was established with professional support from some renowned academics as a pioneer of private polytechnic institute.

KIST is committed to prepare its students as able professionals, creative, committed, liberal, alive to their environment and capable to contribute to the countries advancement as well as achieve their goals in a rapidly changing economic and civic environment.

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